Pentru ca e duminica si ma plictisesc.
Your real name: Carla
Age: 15
Height: 170 cm
Natural hair colour: castaniu
Eye colour: caprui
Skin color: :-??
Glasses/contacts?: nu
Piercings: da
Tattoos: va urma (ochii lu E.A Poe -pe spate)
Braces: ..
Mannerisms: ...
Other distinctive markings: gaura in ureche din nastere
Colour: alb, negru, rosu, verde
Band: lacrimosa, in extremo, korpiklaani
Video game: sims
Movie: pe aripile vantului, interviu cu un vampir
Book: Anne Rice- Cronicile Vampirilor
Food: lasagna
Game on a cell phone: sarpele
Flower: trandafir
Scent: Calvin Klein- One Summer
Animal: caine
Comic book: scooby doo
Cereal: fitnes
Website: vezi contact
Cartoon: familia flinstone, fam jetsons
Play an instrument?: pian
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: nu
Like to sing?: da, dar sunt afoana
Have a job?: frec menta. se pune?
Have a cell phone?: din pacat da.
Like to play sports?: da.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nu
Have a crush on someone?: muuulti
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: shit.. din pacate
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: fix 5
Have any special talents/skills?: dorm de rup. se pune?
Exercise daily?: da
Like school?: uneori
Sing the alphabet backwards?: nici nu il stiu cum trebuie
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: nope
Speak any other languages?: da. engleza, italiana si cand ma enervez vorbesc si franceza (o putain)
Go a day without food?: never
Remember your dreams: uneori
Read music, not just tabs?: da
Roll your tongue?: ...
Eat a whole pizza?: yummmy >:)
Won something in the lottery?: 2.5 lei
Snuck out of the house?: nu imi permit. stau ca naiba si m-ar prinde
Lied to get out of trouble?: dea
Had a computer crash?: nu
Gotten lost in your city?: in this shit hole. yes
Seen a shooting star?: aha
Been to any other countries?: da
Had a serious surgery?: mi-am vopsit paru de nenumarate ori. se pune?
Stolen something important to someone else?: pixu?
Solved a rubiks cube?: doar de 2 ori in viata
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: nu
Cried over a girl?: aaa... nu
Cried over a boy?: mda
Kissed a random stranger?: nu
Hugged a random stranger?: yep
Been in a fist fight?:yep
Been arrested?: nu
Done drugs?: nu
Had alcohol?: aaa dea
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: :))ce funny. nu
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: da, fac asta destul de des
Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom?: :-" nu de multe ori
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: stiu mereu cand e vreo sarbatoare. nu ma duc la scoala de-a-n boulea
Swore at your parents?: ...
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: doar de 2-3 ori. nu mai mult de 4
Been to a casino?: nu. nu imi permit
Ran over an animal and killed it?: nuuuu
Broken a bone?: nu
Gotten stitches?: multe
Had a water balloon fight in winter?: iarna? nu am ajuns la aceasta performanta
Made homemade muffins?: sandwichuri si ochiuri doar
Bitten someone?: yep yep :D
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: port aventura
Burped in someone’s face?: :)))aha
Brushed your teeth: ieri
Cried: acu o luna
Went to the bathroom: acum 5 minute
Saw a movie in a theatre: ieri
Read a book: azi dimineata
Had a snow day: :-? o luna
Had a party: 2 luni sau mai mult
Went to a doctor: :-l 2-3 luni
Tripped in front of someone: 6 sapt
Went to the grocery store: acum 4 ore
Got sick: acum 1 an sau mai mult
Got cursed: n-am fost
Called someone: 1 ora
Fruit/vegetables: fructe
Black/white: ambele
Lights on/lights off: :-?? depinde.
TV/movie: film
Body spray/lotion: lotiune
Cash/cheque: cash
Pillows/blankets: paturaaa :X
Headache/stomach ache: nu sunt masochista
Paint/charcoal: paint
Chinese food/Mexican food: chinezeasca all the waaaay :X
Summer/winter: vara
Snow/rain: ploaie
Fog/misty: ceata
Rock/rap: rock
Meat/vegetarian: carne. desi as vrea safiu vegetariana
Chocolate/vanilla: ciocolata.
Sprinkles/icing: glazura
Cake/pie: placinta
Strawberries/blueberries: capsuni
Ocean/swimming pool: piscina.
Cookies/muffins: cookies
Wallet/pocket: portofel
Window/door: fereastra
Charles Chaplin/Chespirito: chaplin
Pink/purple: muov
Cat/dog: caine
Long sleeve/short sleeve: scurta
Pants/shorts: blugi
Winter break/spring break: spriiiiiiiing
Spring/autumn: ambele
Clouds/clear sky: nu am preferinte
Moon/mars: luna
Questions/Answers: ambele
War/Peace: pace
Do you believe in love?: da
What's the most important kind of love for you?: ..
Have you ever been in love?: aha
Been close to love?: a...ceva de genu
If you have, with who?: sictir
Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved?: nope. adik.. la Gasquet se pune?
Really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night?: nu
Are you in a relationship?: nope
If so, for how long?: ^^
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: da..
What is your idea of the best date?: aaa. multe glume
What was your first kiss like?: :-?? obisnuit
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: 13
Do you think love is worth nothing?: nu
Best experience you’ve ever had with the opposite sex: :-? hidrobicicletaaaa
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: dea
Have you ever been dumped?: nu
Have you ever dumped someone?: hihi
Am: dificila
Want: robert pattinson in romania :))
Need: new rocksi
Love: books :D
Hate: peopleeeeeeeeeeee. romanian peopleeeeeeee
Feel: naspa
Did: a shit
Miss: summer
Am annoyed by: :-??
Would rather: be in spain
Am tired of: winter
Will always: be me
What is your favourite genre of music?: :-?? rock
What time is it now?: 12.34
How much money do you have right now?: 100-150 euro
Are you hungry right now?: tocmai am mancat
What are you doing right now?: scriu si ma uit la Champ cum doarme
Do you like parades?: nu
Do you like the moon?: da
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: sa imi pun un film
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: as vrea sa ma teleportez si sa citesc mintile
Funny?: foarte funny. no, really, cred
Cool?: nuj
Pretty?: normal. nush..probabil
Sarcastic?: everyday
Lazy?: ohooo
Hyper?: :-??nu
Friendly?: uneori
Evil?: uneori
Unforgettable?: normal
Smart?: cand vreau
Strong?: aha
Talented?: :-?? la dormint
Dorky?: nuu
High: nuj
Lonely: rob
Pen: big
Flower: trandafir
Window: termopan
Psycho: un film prost
Brain freeze: rob pattinson
Strange: casa mea
Suffering: moartea
Art: deviantart
Sky dive?: aha
Run away?: nuj. probabil
Curse at a teacher?: aha
Not take a shower for a week?: nu chiar o sapt
Ask someone out?: depinde
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?: aha
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: ..aha
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: ahaaa
Go scuba diving?: aha
Write a book?: scriu deja
Assemble a computer?:nu
Become a rock star?: hahahah >:) aha
Have a long-distance relationship?: aha
Marry someone you don't know?: nu
What kind of computer do you have?: dell
What grade/level of studies are you in? (if applicable): liceu
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: daaaa :X
How many posters do you have in your room?: anu trecut am avut 43, acum cred k am vreo 50
Who else should take this quiz?: Betty >:)
This quiz was taken from
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